The rear speakers in a 2007 Chevy Impala can be removed if you need to replace them. Because the factory speakers are made with paper cones instead of high-quality silicone, it's not unusual for the speakers to fail over time. This is especially true if you turn the volume on the stereo up to its highest levels for extended periods of time. If your speaker clarity becomes distorted or the speaker fails completely, you must remove it.
Fold down the rear seats by pulling them forward.
Remove the screws on the side of the trim panel behind the seats. There should be four screws.
Remove the screws on the back of the speaker located in the trunk area. You can access the trunk once the rear seat is folded down.
Remove the speakers by pulling them straight forward, away from the trim panel.
Cut the black wire first on the back of the speaker. Then, cut the red wire.