The 22-RE engine is found in Toyotas and has been in service for many years. The crankshaft retaining bolt is a standard-thread bolt with 215 foot pounds of torque. The bolt is not accessible without removing the radiator and fan assembly. A heavy-duty impact socket should be used with the amount of torque necessary to remove the bolt. A standard socket will usually break with this amount of torque.
Place the drain pan under the radiator and open the petcock to drain the radiator. Remove the upper and lower radiator hoses.
Use the 3/8-inch drive ratchet and a 10-mm socket to remove the bolts securing the fan shroud to the radiator support. Use a wrench to remove the 10-mm nuts, securing the fan to the water pump pulley. Pull the fan off and remove the fan and shroud together.
Remove the accessory belts using a 3/8-inch drive socket.
Install the crankshaft pulley-locking tool. Remove the crankshaft pulley bolt using the long ½-inch drive breaker bar and a 19-mm socket.