The Grand Vitara is a mid-size SUV introduced by the Japanese automaker Suzuki, in 1999. The Grand Vitara is a larger version of the popular small SUV, the Suzuki Vitara. The need to change a Grand Vitara's oil pan may arise due to physical damage, such as running over an object, or because of a mechanical malfunction. The oil pan is a vital part of an engine and helps to distribute oil to its various moving parts.
Park the vehicle on level ground, engage the parking brake and disconnect the negative battery cable. Lifting the vehicle is optional; the Suzuki Grand Vitara has ample clearance for most, however, if you have difficulty accessing underneath the vehicle, lift it and place it on jack stands for extra clearance.
Make sure the engine has been off for 30 minutes, to cool. Drain the engine oil into the drain pan by removing the oil pan drain plug.
Remove the 21 bolts securing the oil pan to the vehicle. The bolts are placed along the outer edge of the oil pan. Set the old pan to the side; keep the bolts in a safe place. Remove the old o-ring from the oil pan pickup tube. Discard the o-ring; you will be using a new one.
Prepare the oil pan for installation by applying a layer of silicone sealant in the indentation around the opening of the oil pan.
Install the new o-ring in the pickup tube. Attach the new oil pan to the vehicle and tighten all of the bolts enough to secure it.
Use the torque wrench to adjust the 21 bolts. Every bolt should be tightened to 97 foot-pounds with the exception of the two at each corner of the front of the pan. These should be tightened to 20 foot-pounds.
Refill the engine crankcase with oil. Use new oil if the oil is dirty; if it has been recently changed, it is acceptable to use the old oil. Reconnect the negative battery cable and start the engine to check for leaks.