Vehicle repairs can be costly, especially now with so many people out of jobs. People don't have the time and the money to pay for costly repairs. On some occasions, it can take longer to find the problem than the time it took to actually fix it. For example, going to a shop to replace the axel seal on a 2002 Chevy Silverado 2500Hd can cost you on average about $300. This can be the cost of the diagnosis. You can end up paying the cost of the diagnosis plus parts and labor. In today's economy, many people are asking repair questions on the web. Others are turning to do-it-yourself manuals for guidance and cheap labor. The following is a guide to assist you in replacing the rear axel seal on a 2002 Chevy Silverado 2500Hd.
You must buy a 3-by-15-inch oil and grease seal. You must also buy a seal puller; three or four cans of brake cleaner; a torque wrench; and a wheel locknut socket, which can cost you about $10.
You must remove the eight bolts from the axel with a socket. Take out the axel. Be careful not to tear the gasket. Remove the caliper with an 18-mm socket. Don't detach the brake line. Pull out the rotor carefully. You can now see the parking brake.
Take off the ring from the hub. The ring holds the locking key in place. Slide out the key. Take out the axel nut with a socket. Pull out the hub. Remove the axel seal with a seal puller, and turn consistently. You can also use a brake adjustment tool. It works just as well. Removing the seal might take some time, so be patient.
Install the new seal in the hub. Screw the hub back on the spindle. Use a socket and a torque wrench to screw the hub. Place the locking key and the ring back on.
Don't forget to clean the rotor thoroughly from any gear lube with brake cleaner. You can use old rags or paper towels to do this. Re-install the rotor and the caliper. Clean the rear axel and slide it back in. Tighten the eight bolts and you're done.