The Solara, officially known as the Camry Solara, is a two-door coupe manufactured by Toyota Motor Company. The Toyota Solara was designed to be a sporty alternative to the popular four-door Camry. It shares most of its mechanical and interior parts with the Camry. Removing the door panel trim from your Solara will allow you to access the internal parts of your door, including the window motor and the door lock actuator.
Park your Solara on level ground. Turn the engine off and use the pliers to disconnect the negative (-) battery cable for safety.
Use the pry tool to remove the cover caps from each screw in the door panel. There are two toward the front of the vehicle, only visible with the door open. There is one on the door panel armrest and in the armrest cubby hole. Carefully pry off these small panels and remove the screws behind them.
Remove the five screws along the perimeter of the door panel. There are three along the bottom and two on the side of the door panel, closest to the rear of the Solara. Use the pry tool to pry off the door panel lens light cover along the bottom of the door panel.
Remove the window switch panel mounted on the upper part of the armrest. Use the pry tool to detach the panel, and then disconnect the electrical modules. Remove the two screws that become visible when the panel is removed.
Use the pry tool to remove the interior door handle surround panel. Like the window switch panel, it simply pops off. Pull the interior door handle to slide the surround panel around the handle.
Grab each side of the door panel and pull it towards you. The panel will easily come off, so do not jerk it. There are additional clips holding the panel to the door. Be careful not to break them.