Car bumpers can be damaged in accidents, and sometimes changing the bumper completely is cheaper and easier than repairing a bumper. A new car bumper can be ordered from an auto parts store or a used one can be salvaged from a junk yard. This simple repair can be performed by an auto repair novice and requires minimal tools.
Use a flashlight to look underneath the car bumper. You should be able to locate four to six lug nuts which are holding the bumper on.
Spray a lubricant, such as WD-40, onto the lug nuts to help loosen them up if they are rusted. Allow the lubricant to sit on the nuts for 3 to 5 minutes before attempting to remove them.
Use a wrench to remove each of the lug nuts. They may be difficult to remove at first, but once loosened they should twist off easily. Once all of the lug nuts are removed, set them aside so that you will not lose them.
Lift the bumper straight up from the car. The bumper is held onto the car with bolts, and as you lift the bumper up it will come free of the car bringing the bolts with it. Ask a friend to help with this. Set the bumper on the ground and remove the bolts.
Place the bolts through the holes in the new bumper. Carefully set the new bumper onto the car. Make sure that the bolts go all the way through the holes they were removed from.
Replace the lug nuts on the ends of the bolts and use the wrench to tighten them.