The Mercury Sable was introduced in 1986. Created by the Ford Motor Company and sold under the Mercury label, this mid-sized sedan or wagon was an upscale variant of the Ford Taurus. Although the Sable and Taurus went through several generational changes--it is now a full-size model starting from 2007 to present--replacing the brake light, taillight, or backup light has remained a virtually universal process. All three of the bulbs are located inside each rear taillight assembly. Depending on the year of the Sable, there may be a very slight variance in procedure, but the overall information should provide ample understanding to the concept.
Open the trunk and remove the trunk liner--driver's side or passenger side-quarter. There are retaining clips that need to be removed from the trunk liner to remove the liner. Remove the clips with a screwdriver--some Sables may have a couple of mushroom caps to unscrew as well as the clips--to reveal the taillight assembly retaining nuts.
Use the ratchet and a socket to remove the taillight assembly nuts. Depending on the year, there may be three or four nuts holding the taillight assembly in place.
Gently but forcefully pull the taillight assembly away from the back of the Sable. The bulb sockets have wires attached to them, so be careful not to pull too far back.
Locate the correct socket for the taillight--if necessary, turn on the lights to locate it--and turn the socket one-quarter turn counterclockwise. Remove the socket from the taillight assembly.
Rest the taillight assembly against the back of the Sable gently or support it with your leg.
Pull the bulb out of the socket and insert the new bulb into the socket. Test the bulb by turning on the lights again before reassembling. Reverse the procedure to replace the socket into the taillight assembly and replace the taillight assembly to the Sable.
Lift the tailgate.
Locate and remove the two taillight assembly screws.
Gently but forcefully pull the taillight assembly away from the back of the Sable. The bulb sockets have wires attached to them, so be careful not to pull too far back.
Locate the correct socket for the taillight--if necessary, turn on the lights to locate it--and turn the socket one-quarter turn counterclockwise. Remove the socket from the taillight assembly.
Rest the taillight assembly against the rear bumper of the Sable gently or support it with your leg.
Pull the bulb out of the socket and insert the new bulb into the socket. Test the bulb by turning on the lights again before reassembling. Reverse the procedure to replace the socket into the taillight assembly and replace the taillight assembly to the Sable.