A leaking radiator can spell disaster for your car. The radiator acts as the heat exchanger for the engine, allowing hot water and engine coolant to be cooled down and recirculated through the internal engine area. This process keeps the engine cooled to operating temperature and prevents overheating and seizure. If the radiator is leaking, this process is greatly inhibited and could stop all together. Luckily, fixing a leaky radiator is not an overly complicated process if the hole is small. If a large hole is located, you should seek professional assistance in installing a brand new radiator.
Crawl under the vehicle and locate the coolant drain plug on the passenger side bottom of the radiator. Use the socket wrenches to remove the plug and allow all of the radiator fluid to flow out.
Mix up the STOP LEAK according to the directions on the bottle and then pour the solution into the radiator. Fill the radiator until the solution is at the top of the fill cap area. Cap off the radiator and allow it to sit for two to three hours.
Crawl under the vehicle again and remove the drain plug with the socket wrench. Allow the solution to drain out and then replace the drain plug. Fill the radiator with a 50/50 solution of radiator fluid to water and then turn the car on to check for leaks.