Your vehicle can breakdown at anytime. Getting a tow truck to pick you up from a remote area may cost you hundreds of dollars. A simple solution to this is to tow your car to the nearest mechanic shop or home with a truck and chain.
Wrap the chain under the center of the rear axle of the truck you are going to pull the car with. Hook the end of the chain over the first link of chain you can reach while keeping the chain tight around the axle.
Wrap the other end of the chain under the center of the front axle of the car you are going to pull. Hook the end of the chain over the first link of chain you can reach while keeping the chain tight around the axle.
Drive the truck forward slowly until the chain is snug. Get out and make sure the hook is secure on both ends of the chain. You should have 6 to 10 feet of distance between the vehicles.
Place the broken down car in neutral. Signal for the person driving the truck to start pulling you. Remember to always keep the chain from dragging, so this means pressing your break pedal whenever you approach a stop or are going down a hill.