A blower motor resister in a Taurus works in conjunction with the heater control panel fan switch to control the speeds of the fan. It provides resistance to the 12-volt input to reduce the voltage in stages to the fan. Blower motor resisters come in two styles depending on the year of the vehicle, although they are both located in the same place. There is the older style which uses a multiple set of resistance wires formed in loops each with a different resistance or voltage output. The newer style is an integrated circuit board. Before a blower motor resister is replaced, a check of all other electrical circuits should be made first since they can cause the same type problems, preventing the fan from working. Check the fuses for the blower fan. These are usually located in the fuse block inside the car on the driver's side. Also check the blower motor relay for operation.
Remove the bottom cover of the Taurus' dash under the glove compartment using a 7mm socket and ratchet. Pull the carpet back from the firewall straight under the glove compartment to give more clearance to get your hands in underneath the blower motor resister.
Remove the electrical connector on the Taurus' blower motor resister. The electrical connector is located to the left and just behind the blower motor. It is inserted straight up and is on an approximately 1½ by 3-inch flat hardboard plate. It is held in with two or four screws depending on year of vehicle you are working on.
Remove the blower motor resister. Pay close attention to the way the old blower motor resistor came out. Insert the new blower motor resister in the same way the other came out and tighten screws.
Install the electrical wire connector. Install the under-dash panel that was removed under the glove compartment and install the 7mm screws.