You don't have to listen to that annoying clicking or popping noise that you hear coming from your 2002 or 2003 Nissan Altima power seat while driving and trying to use the seat lifter. The problem can usually be traced back to a faulty or missing space washer. You can fix the problem yourself cheaply and with minimal tools.
Lay protective covers over upholstery, carpeting and anything else that may be damaged during your repairs.
Jot down your radio station presets and disconnect the negative battery cable. Stand by for 4 minutes.
Take off the two bolts securing the front of your driver's seat to the floor. When you're done, take off the rail finishers and the two bolts that hold down the rear of your driver's seat.
Tilt the seat back backwards so that you have access to the bottom of the seat.
Discard the faulty, worn or broken space washer. You may find this space washer on the seat's floor somewhere.
Insert a new space washer and lock it down into position.
Replace the seat. Ensure that any wires under the seat have not accidentally crossed and that the four mounting bolts are torqued to 32 to 40 foot pounds. Connect the negative battery cable, ensure that the power seat controls function and verify that the problem has been solved.