Perhaps the clutch in your VW Jetta is not working as it should. There are a number of ways to improve the clutch's performance. These are things that you can do yourself in an afternoon, from filling your clutch reservoir to adjusting the pedal height.
Check beneath the hood for the clutch fluid reservoir in your VW Jetta. It's a simple adjustment, and inexpensive, but can save you big bucks in the long run. If the reservoir is cracked, it could be leaking as well as introducing air into the hydraulic system. Replace it, and your clutch should return back to normal.
Adjust the clutch cable should you have that capacity in your VW Jetta. Do this
by lifting the arm, pushing down and holding the cable's self adjuster. After you pump the clutch a few times, the clutch will adjust.
Replace the clutch cable of the VW Jetta with one that you adjust manually, rather than relying on the stock self-adjusting cable. In this manner, you are able to adjust the clutch as you wish.
Bleed the hydraulic system to get rid of any air bubbles that would affect the height of the clutch. To bleed the system, look beneath the vehicle for the slave cylinder. The slave cylinder has a bleeder screw that is a 8mm hex head or a 11mm hex head. Have someone pump the clutch pedal at your prompting to bleed the system, after removing the bleeder screw.