Auto parts can be very pricey, however there are several ways to buy them at discount. It doesn't mean going to a junkyard and taking your chances against a 90-pound pit bull, or risking you and your family's safety on some refurbished part scrapped from an old wreck. You can get high quality, low priced auto parts that are as good as factory parts and better than junkyard refurbished parts.
Avoid going to the junkyard and haggling over parts that have been stripped from cars that are now being used to make recycled steel.
Log on to one of the Internet's many discount auto parts stores and search for the exact make and model of the part you need. These sell both factory OEM, refurbished, and brand new, top quality and brand name auto parts at a discount. Most online companies ship the parts out quickly, provide warranties and offer great customer service.
Choose your part and have it delivered to you in less than a week in most cases. Or, if you do not have time to wait for your part, go to step 4.
Visit your local Autozone store and talk to the salesperson about getting your part at a discount. Just ask for the price of the part you need as an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) part. Note the price and then ask for the refurbished or discount part price.
Wait and watch for sales on OEM parts and refurbished parts. Auto stores have big sales on parts during the summer and fall. You can buy parts at a big discount, plus save money on cheaper refurbished parts. The bonus is, the refurbished parts are usually high quality parts that have been returned by a customer for one reason or another and simply re-boxed.
Scour the Internet for coupons and discounts on auto parts. You can sign up for auto parts newsletters at some auto-focused online stores, or visit several websites and look for special savings on a range of parts.