How to Install an ABS Relay in a Jeep Grand Cherokee

How to Install an ABS Relay in a Jeep Grand Cherokee

If you're looking for the ABS relay in your Jeep Grand Cherokee, you might find two or you might not find any. If you have a 1993-to-1996 model, you have two ABS relays -- one for the ABS pump and one for the ABS system. If you own a 1997 or newer model, the ABS relay is integral to the ABS module and cannot be replaced independently. To remove the relay, get a firm grasp on it and pull straight up on it. To install a new relay, Align the blades on the relay with the terminals in the fuse box and gently press it into place.

1993-to-1994 Models

  • If you own a 1993 or 1994 model, the relay for the ABS pump is in the top row of relays, third from the left in the under-hood fuse box. The ABS system relay is in the same row and is the far right relay.

1995 and 1996 Models

  • If you own a 1995 or 1996 model, the relay for the ABS pump is the top, right relay in the under-hood fuse box. The ABS system relay is in the third row from the top, second from the left.