The Chevy Impala has an anti-lock braking system (ABS) wheel sensor on each wheel that provides the wheel speed to the ABS controller. The ABS controller then uses that information to determine the amount of braking force to apply to that wheel. You may need to replace the ABS wheel sensor if it becomes clogged with debris, especially metallic brake dust.
Determine which ABS wheel sensor your Chevy Impala will need. You'll want to be sure the new wheel sensor is compatible with your make and model of Impala. The Impala was first equipped with ABS in 2001 and the wheel speed sensors are built into the wheel bearing/hub assembly. This means the entire assembly has to be replaced.
Remove the wheel with a socket wrench. Disconnect the brake drum or brake caliper and bracket depending on which is present on that wheel. Unplug the electrical connector for the wheel speed sensor.
Disconnect the driveshaft nut with a socket wrench for the front wheels. Attach a front hub removal tool onto the three nuts of the wheel bearing/hub assembly and use the tool to push the driveshaft out of the wheel bearing/hub assembly. Remove the wheel bearing/hub assembly and discard the bolts.
Unfasten the bolts that mount the rear wheel hub to the knuckle with a socket wrench. Disconnect the parking brake lever bracket and actuator with a socket wrench. Remove the rear wheel hub from the knuckle.
Install the new wheel/bearing hub by reversing the removal steps. For the front wheels, use a torque wrench to tighten the new wheel bearing/hub assembly bolts to 96 foot pounds and the drive shaft nut to 118 foot pounds. Torque the bolts for the rear wheel bearing/hub assembly to 55 foot pounds.