The Chevy Camaro has an anti-lock braking system (ABS) with sensors on each wheel that continuously monitor that wheel's speed. The ABS wheel sensor transmits this information to the ABS controller which determines the amount of braking force to apply to that wheel during an emergency stop. The most common reason for replacing the ABS wheel sensor is metallic debris such as brake dust clogging the sensor.
Determine which ABS wheel sensor your Chevy Camaro will need. You'll want to be sure the new wheel sensor is compatible with your make and model of Camaro. ABS was introduced with the fourth generation of the Camaro in 1993 and the wheel speed sensor may be removed as a single unit.
Disconnect the negative cable from the battery with a socket wrench and isolate it to prevent accidental contact with the battery. Raise the vehicle and unplug the electrical connector for the wheel speed sensor.
Clean any debris from the contact area between the wheel speed sensor and its housing. Remove the mounting bolt for the wheel speed sensor with a socket wrench. Pull the wheel speed sensor straight up from the rear axle housing.
Install the new wheel speed sensor on the rear axle housing and use a torque wrench to tighten the bolt to 89 inch pounds. Plug in the electrical connector to the wheel speed sensor.
Lower the vehicle and connect the negative battery cable to the battery with a socket wrench.