The Ford Motor Company produced the Mercury Villager from 1993 through 2002. It was also called a Nissan Quest. This minivan was heavily used throughout its production years. Remove the oil pan in the Villager when there is damage to it, or when the pan needs cleaned.
Place the Villager on a flat surface that is stable. Follow all recommended safety instructions provided in the owner's manual for servicing a vehicle.
Raise the Villager using a jack and jack stands for support. Follow the directions provided by the jack manufacturer for proper positioning of the jack.
Put an oil drip pan under the oil pan, located at the bottom of the engine, between the tires. Unscrew the oil pan drain plug and remove, allowing oil to flow from the oil pan into the oil drip pan. Let the oil drain fully, which will take about ten minutes.
Pop the hood and locate the battery at the very front of the vehicle, up against the front of the engine. Use a wrench to unscrew the bolt holding the negative battery cable in place and set aside.
Located the front engine mount support insulator through bolt, the rear engine mount support through bolt and the 2 rear refrigerant pipe bolts (used to hold down) and remove these using a wrench. Then, remove the 4 transverse member bolts allowing the cross-member to be removed.
Disconnect the exhaust inlet pipe, the 4 rear transaxle to engine brace bolts then the 5 front transaxle to engine brace bolts using a wrench to unscrew each of the bolts, allowing the piece to be set aside. Remove the front transaxle to engine brace followed by the low oil level sensor electrical connector using a wrench to unscrew each of the bolts on the brace then pulling them off. Each is located on or surrounding the oil pan in the Villager.
Unscrew each of the 18 oil pan bolts located around the outer edge of the oil pan. Work from the outside towards the center bolts, removing one bolt from each side of the oil pan before moving to the next side.
Drop the oil pan off, but secure it with your hand as the last bolts are removed. Remove the seals on the oil pan and don't reuse them.