Emergency brakes were originally used to stop a vehicle during a failure of the regular brakes. However, emergency brakes are now used primarily to keep the vehicle from moving while parked because the regular brakes on a Honda Accord rarely fail. Emergency brakes most often need to be replaced as a result of disuse, which can cause the components to rust and seize.
Determine which type of emergency brakes your Honda Accord will need. Emergency brakes typically function by activating the regular braking system on the driving wheels. The emergency brakes for the Honda Accord uses disc or drum brakes on the rear wheels.
Raise the vehicle and remove the rear wheels with a socket wrench. Remove the brake drum or discs as required and detach the upper return spring from the brake shoes.
Push the retainer springs and turn the tension pins to release the shoes from the backing plate. Lower the brake shoe assembly so you can remove the lower return spring.
Disconnect the brake shoe assembly from the backing plate and the parking brake cable from the brake shoe lever with a socket wrench. Remove the upper return spring, self-adjusting lever and self-adjusting spring. You can now separate the brake shoes. Detach the U-clip so you can also remove the wave washer, parking brake lever and pivot pin from the brake shoe.
Apply brake cylinder grease to the sliding surface of the pivot pin before inserting it into the brake shoe.
Install the new parking brake shoes by reversing the removal procedure. Loosen the adjuster bolt with a socket wrench just enough so you can mount the brake drum and turn it easily.
Depress the brake pedal several times and adjust the parking brakes.