To keep your Pontiac Bonneville in optimum working condition, it's necessary to perform routine repairs. Replacing a turn signal relay is an example of this type of maintenance. The process is simple enough that most anyone can do it and it will save you money on your auto repair bill.
Locate the relay panel box on your Pontiac Bonneville. The panel in the Bonneville is on the right side of the steering column near the radio. However, on some models it's underneath the steering column above the brake pedal.
Use a screwdriver to remove the relay panel and gain access to the turn signal relay. Be sure you put the screws in a safe place, so you don't lose them. Again, there's some year model variation in that some Bonneville's have no panel, but the relays are underneath the steering column cover itself.
Look underneath the panel cover for a diagram that'll show the location of the turn signal relay. In cases where it's underneath the steering column cover, look to the top right hand corner for the turn signal relay.
Remove the old turn signal relay and replace it with new one. Don't use too much force when you remove and replace the relay. It's possible to damage the new relay and other delicate part in the vicinity.
Test the turn signal in your Pontiac Bonneville to make sure it works correctly. If the problem persists, check the relay for a secure connection. Then, replace the relay panel and dispose of the old turn signal relay.