The Saturn Ion had a short run from 2003 until 2007. However at any time you can experience a blown fuse. When this happens, replace it with a new fuse in under 30 minutes, for little to no cost involved.
Turn the ignition off in your car before working with fuses. Locate one fuse box in the engine compartment near the battery.
Find the other fuse box in a slightly hidden spot. Push back the driver's seat all the way and look on the driver's side near the floor. You'll see a pull down compartment that you'll open to access the fuses.
Check the list on the inside of the fuse box cover to find the location of the fuse. For example, in the engine compartment fuse box of a Saturn ion, the dash board fuse is in either slot 39 or 47.
Remove the fuse using your thumb and index finger. Check the middle wire to verify it's blown, represented by a melted wire.
Replace the fuse with a new one of the same amperage rating. For example the dashboard light fuse mentioned earlier uses a 15 amp mini fuse.
Click the new fuse into place and close the fuse box. Restart your Ion and test out the new fuse.