The Ford Taurus power mirror's construction makes it a somewhat complex replacement project that may be a little difficult for the average vehicle owner. The project only requires a few basic tools for all model years.
Disconnect the negative battery cable before you take the front door trim panel off the Taurus door. Remove all screws and clips and carefully prying the panel from the door.
Detach the power mirror electrical wire connector located under the door panel.
Take off any wiring guides that you need to remove the mirror. Remove three nuts from the power mirror.
Pull the outside rear view mirror off, and guide the power wire through the hole in the door.
Replace the old mirror with the new one by first pushing the new wiring through the hole in the door.
Install and tighten the three retaining nuts you took off when removing the old mirror.
Connect the power mirror wiring to the connection located on the door panel.
Put the front door trim panel back in place by securing all clips and tightening all screws.
Connect the Ford Taurus' battery cable to restore the power.