The Chevy Silverado will be remembered forever for the "Like a Rock" campaign. The Silverado is one of Chevy's all time best-selling light-duty trucks. The springs in a Chevy Silverado are designed to provide a smooth ride even when loaded. The larger 2500 series Silverado comes equipped with heavy duty springs as a standard feature. Many Chevy Silverado owners modify the suspension for heavier duty performance.
Jack up the Silverado and block the wheels with jack stands for safety before removing the tires. Blocking the wheels is an important first step and should never be ignored.
Release the pressure from the springs using a compressor. This is a critical step for your safety. If you do not own a compressor, you can rent one.
Remove the springs from the chassis. Use the box wrench to take off the top and bottom nuts from the struts. The Chevy Silverado line of trucks has many suspension options available but most feature multi-leaf springs.
Take note of the spring's position on the truck's chassis and attach the new springs in the same position. The rear suspension of the Silverado is designed for heavy loads and as such you will need to use a great deal of torque to adjust the springs properly.
Remove the front wheels and move the brake lines out of the way to replace the springs in the front of the Chevy Silverado. Depending on the engine package, suspension and exhaust package on the truck, the front of the truck will be more difficult to change the springs.
Compress the spring before replacing with the new springs. Many Silverado owners increase the load bearing capacity of the suspension system to handle heavier loads such as a new boat or trailer.
Replace all lines and hoses if moved before replacing the wheels and tightening the lug nuts.