Although it's a gas efficient vehicle, even the Ford Focus can burn out a water pump and overheat as it nears the 100,000 mile mark. It's important that you inspect your engine's parts before beginning this repair. Just remember that the water pump in every Ford Focus is mounted in some way on the front of the engine block.
Put down a drop cloth underneath the car to protect the floor from coolant spills. Use a jack to elevate the Ford Focus and jack stands to shore up the jack. Open the hood and use a screwdriver to unscrew the clamp that connects the negative battery cable to the battery post and pull it away from the post.
Take off the radiator's cap slowly to release pressure. Locate the drain plug at the bottom of the radiator, just behind the grill. Place an empty container under the drain plug, remove the plug with an adjustable wrench and drain the radiator.
Use the adjustable wrench to undo the bolts securing the Ford Focus' accessory drive belt and the water pump pulley. Remove the front cover, timing belt and timing belt tensioner.
Undo the bolts securing the water pump to the engine. Clean off the mount after removing the pump, using a shop rag. Inspect the area for cracks.
Place high temperature automotive sealant on the new water pump and place the new gasket over this. Hold the gasket in place on the pump as you mount it on the engine, where you removed the old pump.
Keep the water pump in place as you secure it with four new bolts. Tighten each in any order with 13 foot pounds torque. Reassemble the rest of the parts in the order you took them off the Ford Focus. Replace any parts that appear worn or damaged as you go.
Replace the radiator's drain plug and refill the radiator with the amount and type of coolant specified in your owner's manual. Move the jack stands and release the jack. Attach the negative battery cable to the post and tighten the screw on the clamp.
Crank the engine on the Ford Focus and check for leaks. Then, close the hood.