Changing the turn signal flasher is not very difficult or time-consuming, but the problem is finding where the relay is. In Ford F-series trucks, the relay is up under the dash next to the steering column. Gaining access is not very difficult.
Check the fuses for the turn signals and make sure the fuses aren't blown and that is the reason they aren't working. You can save yourself a lot of time and expense by checking for a blown fuse first. If the fuse is blown, replace it and check the turn signal once more.
Find the turn signal and hazard flasher relay. In the Ford F-series trucks, the flasher relay works both the turn signal and hazard lights. There are a couple of relays in the location of the flasher/relay so make sure you get the right one.
Look under the dash near the steering wheel under the instrument panel. It is difficult to see when it is in its position, but you can get at it if you slide it out or unscrew the cap that is over it. There are two relay looking devices next to each other. One is black and smaller than the other, which is blue. The blue one is the one you want and has five pins on the connector end. Remove the flasher and relay and get a replacement at the dealer or auto parts store.
Reattach the blue flasher and relay to its position and start the truck. Check the turn signals and hazard lights to make sure they operate correctly.