Traditionally, trucks have always had more room to work with the electronics under the dash. Many types of electronics are found underneath. Fuses, flashers, relays and fusible links are all present. Repairs of electronic circuits such as turn signal flashers are easily handled in the roomy cab of the Dodge Ram pickups.
Check the fuses as a first measure. Since the system is electrical in nature, the fuse box is the perfect place to begin. Check any fuse that may have a function with the turn signals. Replace any blown fuses and retest the turn signal circuit for correct operation. If the turn signals still don't work, then proceed to the next step.
Open the driver's side door and examine the end of the dash for an access panel. Behind the access panel are fuses and flashers. There are two flashers inside the access panel for controlling the turn signal and the hazard lights. You can distinguish them apart from each other by turning on the hazards or the turn signal and feeling for the clicking. If you turned on the hazards, then the flasher that is clicking is the hazard flasher.
Remove the turn signal flasher from the dash and reinstall the new flasher into the vacated slot in the dash. Close the access panel and start the Ram truck. Check the turn signals for proper operation and make sure the hazards work as well.