Your Chrysler Sebring is a sporty car that's fun to drive, but proper maintenance is an important part of your car remaining in this condition. Having gone 60,000 miles under normal driving conditions means you probably need new shocks and struts. Keep your Sebring safe to drive by replacing the old ones.
Lift the car with a jack, and support it with the jack stands. Remove the front wheels. With a ratchet, remove the bolts holding the bracket for the speed sensor cable from the steering knuckle. You can find the steering knuckle under the car attached to the control arms. The sensor cable is the electrical wire that runs from the wheel well.
Loosen and remove the nut from the upper ball joint stud. Insert a puller between the upper ball joint and the steering knuckle and pry them apart. Reposition the upper ball joint so it's facing the back of the opening for the wheel. Locate the shock absorber, which looks like a metal tube that slides in and out of a slightly larger tube. Use a ratchet to take the pinch bolt off the shock absorber clevis connecting it to the lower control arm, and pull out the bolt. Tap the clevis with a brass drift until it comes off the shock absorber.
Unbolt the mounting bracket from the shock tower on the other end of the shock. Pull the shock assembly out of the front of the wheel well.
Install the new shocks using the aligning pins, and hold the shock tower so the holes line up with the holes in the upper control arm. Set your torque wrench to 70 ft-lb and insert the bolts. Tighten the bolts until the wrench gives. Hold the clevis against the locating tab, and tap it with the brass drift until it seats fully. The orientation tab on the locating tab sits in the split of the clevis. Insert the pinch bolt, and torque it to 65 ft-lb.
Slide the clevis bracket over the lower control arm through-bolt, and fit the upper ball joint into the steering knuckle. Tighten the nut on the ball joint stud to 20 ft-lb.
Put the routing bracket back over the wheel speed sensor cable on the steering knuckle. Tighten the bolt holding the bracket so it's secure. Lower the jack stand so the entire weight of the car sits on the jack stand on the control arm. Torque the through-bolt to 65 ft-lb. Raise the jack stand again, and mount the wheel. Lower the car to the floor, and remove the supports and floor jack.
Pull the carpet away from the rear shock tower, located under the rear corners of the trunk, and pop off the plastic cover. Use an adjustable wrench to remove the strut mounting nuts. Use a jack to raise the rear of the car, and support it by the frame with jack stands. Remove the rear wheels.
Take the splash shield off the upper strut mount, and unbolt the strut-to-rear knuckle bolt on the bottom of the strut. Push the rear suspension down and tilt outward the top of the strut so you can pull it out.
Push the rear suspension down, align and tilt the new strut into position. Bolt the strut-to-knuckle bolt, and torque it to 70 ft-lb. Torque the upper mounting nuts to 25 ft-lb. Pop the strut top cover back on, and put the wheels back on the rear of the Sebring.
Lower the car.