As part of a regular inspection of your Hyundai Sonata, you should check the battery cables for wear and corrosion. If you're having trouble starting the car without wiggling the cables, you should replace the cables immediately. This is a relatively easy job that most anyone can accomplish. Wear gloves to avoid getting acid on your hands and turn off the Sonata before beginning.
Locate the battery under the hood about halfway between the front bumper and the inside wall. It has a flat cover on it that must be popped off to get to the battery. The Hyundai Sonata battery has top posts on it.
Loosen the bolt on the black negative battery cable first with a box wrench or cable clamp pliers. Wiggle the cable end off the post and tap it gently with a small hammer, if it won't come off. Repeat the process on the red positive cable. Remove both cables from the battery, even if you're replacing only one.
Follow the black negative cable to where it's grounded low on the frame under the battery. Remove the end of the cable with a wrench. Track the red positive cable to its connection on the starter solenoid on the front driver side of the engine and remove it with a wrench.
Clean the posts with a small wire brush or cable cleaner and wipe them clean with a dry cloth.
Attach the new positive cable first, reversing the process in Step 3. Put the negative cable on last and start the car to ensure that the connections are working on your Hyundai Sonata.