In 1982, the Nissan Maxima was born out of the old Datsun brand. If you own any Maxima from then until the current production year, it's possible that you'll experience a blown fuse at some point. You can replace fuses in just minutes and with no tools necessary.
Turn off your Maxima before you begin work with the fuses. Locate your two fuse boxes.
Find one fuse box in the engine compartment close to the driver's side. The other has most fuses that you may need and is on the driver's side under the instrument panel.
Open the fuse box and check the inside of the cover for a list of each fuse location.
Pull out the fuse you suspect of being blown and inspect it. If the wire inside is burned out, the fuse is blown and needs replacing.
Push a replacement fuse of the same amperage into the open slot.
Replace the fuse box lid and start the Maxima. Try out the new fuse to make sure it works.