Volkswagen Jetta spark plugs are made to have a life span of 60,000 miles. Faulty or old spark plug cause cylinder damage and make the engine misfire. Replacing the spark plugs in a VW Jetta is one of the best ways to ensure a long engine life and better gas mileage.
Park the VW Jetta in a shady area and allow the engine to cool. Pop the hood to help the engine cool faster.
Remove the plastic dust cover from the Jetta engine. Locate the ignition coils that run across the top of the engine.
Use the ignition coil puller to remove one of the coils. Pull the coil up and out of the engine to reveal the spark plug. Complete the replacement of each spark plug before starting the next.
Loosen and remove the old spark plug from the cylinder well.
Apply anti-seize compound to the threads of the new spark plug and slide it into the cylinder well. The compound helps keep the spark plug from adhering to the cylinder well.
Tighten the spark plug to a tension of 15 ft-lbs. Use the tension tester tool to make sure the tension is adjusted to the required amount.
Replace the ignition coil and turn it to lock into place.
Repeat Steps 3 through 7 for the remaining spark plugs. Place the plastic dust cover back on the Jetta's engine and screw it into place.