The fuel filter in your Honda Accord screens out dirt and rust particles from the fuel. Some mechanics recommend you replace your fuel filter every 30,000 miles, or with every tune-up to keep your Accord in good running order. Follow a few instructions to replace the fuel filter in a Honda Accord that has a 4-cylinder engine manufactured in 2000 or earlier.
Put a shop towel around and under the fuel rail. Relieve the fuel system pressure by disconnecting the fuel pump module connector and then starting the engine and letting it run until it stalls. Turn the ignition off.
Obtain the code number if the radio in your Honda Accord contains a coded theft protection circuit. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Remove the power steering feed hose clamp and detach the engine wiring harness bracket.
Remove the banjo bolt from the fuel pipe feed as you hold the fuel filter with a backup wrench. Then, remove the filter clamp. Take out the fuel filter and thoroughly clean the fuel fittings.
Place the filter clamp and the banjo bolt on the new fuel filter. Reconnect the engine wiring harness bracket and the power steering feed hose clamp. Reconnect the negative battery cable then enter the radio security code, if necessary. Start the engine of your Honda Accord and check for leaks.