The Mitsubishi Galant, first introduced in 1969, has undergone numerous face lifts, as with many other long-lived vehicles. These steps apply directly to the model years from 2003 forward, although they may apply as general advice for other model years of the Mitsubishi Galant. Owners of vintage vehicles may find that they have specialty maintenance requirements.
Use only Genuine Mitsubishi Car Care Products Diamond Automatic Transmission Fluid SP III in your Mitsubishi Galant. Using other transmission fluid may lead to major transmission problems. For a manual transmission, use synthetic manual transmission fluid in 75W90 viscosity.
Top off your brake fluid reservoir as necessary with any DOT 3 brake fluid.
Run a mix of equal parts clean, distilled water and ethylene glycol based antifreeze in your Mitsubishi Galant. While some experts suggest that you may use up to 70 percent antifreeze in the solution during extreme cold weather, running pure coolant is generally not recommended.
Change your engine oil at regular intervals, using API certified, SAE 5W30 viscosity, unless you expect to encounter extremely hot temperatures or are otherwise directed by your mechanic or Mitsubishi dealership.