Change Toyota Tundra spark plugs every 100,000 miles to ensure proper fuel use. A tundra will die, be sluggish or get low gas mileage when the spark plugs are not working properly. When you change spark plugs on any vehicle, remove and replace one spark plug at a time to ensures that all the wires connect to the proper plug.
Find the spark plug wire or ignition coils on the engine. Once the engine cools for 30 minutes, remove the oil or spark plug wire.
Grab the ignition coil from the top and squeeze your fingers together to unlock the coil. Turn the wire by the boot and pull back to remove the wire.
Insert the socket with extension into the cylinder well and attach it to the spark plug. Connect the socket wrench and turn it to the left to unscrew the spark plug. Pull the old spark plug out of the well with the socket wrench. Some Tundra engines have their spark plugs deep in the engine block. The socket extension is vital to pull the plug out.
Spray the canned air into the well and wire boot or coil to remove any debris.
Lubricate the wire boot and spark plug thread with the silicon spray. Lower the spark plug into the well with the socket and extension. Do not use the wrench.
Tighten the spark plug into the well with the extension and socket. If the spark plug has a crush washer, turn the spark plug 90 degrees with the wrench after it is tight in the well. For a tapered spark plug use a tension tester to check and set the correct tension for the spark plug. The required tension is stated on the spark plug packaging.
Replace the ignition coil or spark plug wire on the spark plug and lock into place by turning them side to side.
Repeat Steps 2 through 7 for the remaining spark plugs.