Maintaining proper radiator coolant levels in your 1994 Buick prevents engine overheating. All General Motors vehicles use a specific brand of antifreeze called Dex-Cool. According to General Motors, the use of any other fluid could cause catastrophic radiator and coolant system failure. Dex-Cool is required because its chemical makeup does not damage the metals in the 1994 Buick radiator.
Open the engine hood by pulling the hood release tab located under the dashboard on the driver's side of the vehicle. Secure the hood in the open position with the hood prop.
Remove the radiator cap from the filler spout on top of the radiator by turning the cap counterclockwise. Never remove the radiator cap when your Buick is hot, because the coolant system is pressurized.
Pour a mixture that is half distilled water and half Dex-Cool antifreeze into the filler spout of the radiator until the fluid level is within one inch of the top of the filler spout.
Start the Buick engine. Turn the heater on to its highest level. Let the vehicle idle for about five minutes to purge the radiator of any air in the system. Turn off the Buick engine. Add fluid until the fluid level is within one inch of the top of the filler spout.
Put the radiator cap back on the radiator filler spout by turning the cap clockwise.