Mustangs are known for being high performance vehicles that are capable of keeping up with most other sports cars on the market. Just like those other sports cars, your Mustang is prone to engine overheating due to hard accelerations and extreme operating conditions. Maintaining your engine's correct temperature means you must complete preventative service work such as bleeding excess air from your radiator. By completing preventative maintenance you can prolong the life of your Mustang.
Drive the Mustang onto a set of front end lift ramps so that the radiator is the highest point in the water circulation system. The Mustang's heater core is located behind the glove box and serves as the highest point of the circulation system when the car is flat on the ground. With the Mustang on ramps, the radiator becomes the highest point, so any air in the system will be forced to the radiator.
Remove the radiator cap from the Mustang's radiator, but not until the engine has cooled. Radiator fluid builds up pressure, and when you remove the cap the pressure can force steam out of the radiator and burn you.
Turn the Mustang on and allow it to reach operating temperature. This is the temperature at which the engine usually runs. The needle in the temperature gauge that is located in the Mustang's dash will be around the middle when it is warm enough. As the Mustang warms up, air will be pushed into the radiator and out of the hole in the top of the radiator.
Pour a small amount of antifreeze into the top of the radiator as the level of antifreeze lowers due to the expulsion of air from the system. Antifreeze should be poured into the radiator until the level stops dropping.
Place the radiator cap back onto the radiator and drive the Mustang off of the ramps. Turn the Mustang off.
Check the radiator overflow tank. It's a plastic tank located next to the radiator that holds fluid that is pushed out of the radiator as the fluid expands due to increased temperatures. There is a line on the side of the tank that says "fill to line" or fluid level," depending on your year of Mustang. With the engine at operating temperature, fill the overflow tank until you have reached that line. This will prevent air from being pulled back into the system.