Failed ignition timing means the timing setting for a car engine was inspected and is outside the guidelines for pollution control. The timing must be adjusted to pass a future inspection.
Smog technicians check vehicle timing and evaluate the settings. Timing adjustments, if necessary, are easy for mechanics to do and should not require more than a few minutes of labor in most cases. Timing specifications are located under the hood, on the timing belt cover or in owner's manuals.
Consumers should carefully select a mechanic to adjust timing settings, as dishonest opportunists have a reputation of exploiting failed ignition timing for financial gain. Second opinions are recommended, particularly if more than a simple adjustment is required.
Engine timing refers to the rate at which spark plugs fire. The plugs burn a certain amount of fuel, and the fuel is broken down and emitted through the exhaust system. Larger amounts of carbon monoxide are created when the timing is inefficient, a circumstance that is detrimental to the environment.