Toyota's 2004 4Runner SR5 V6 and SR5 V8 models -- each with a Sport sub-model -- came equipped with a 4.0-liter V-6 engine or a 4.7-liter V-8 engine. Guess which model came with which engine. While the model names weren't very imaginative, they certainly are descriptive.
The good news -- your 2004 4Runner has a single accessories belt so you don't have to fool with a bunch of belts. The bad news -- your 4Runner has a single accessories belt, which means if that belt breaks, you lose everything at once. Changing the belt is pretty much straightforward; just know that the pulley bolt for the belt tensioner has a left-handed thread. Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey doesn't apply here. The easiest way I've found to remove the belt is to turn the belt tensioner counterclockwise and then slip the belt off the pulleys. To install the belt, route it over all the pulleys except for the top idler pulley. Turn the belt tensioner counterclockwise and then slip the belt onto the idler pulley. Especially on the 4.7-liter engine, I had to hold tension on the belt with my hand when routing it around the pulleys, since there's a lot of slack until the belt is fitted on the top idler pulley.