The Volvo D12 is a diesel engine found in trucks and SUVs. If you are having trouble with your D12, there are a couple of things you can do before you take it to a diesel repair shop. Most of the common issues reside with the fuel, starter and leaks in the system. You can diagnose the problem with non-invasive repair and get your D12 back up and running with little hassle.
Turn the key to the ignition in the truck or SUV that your D12 is installed on. Look at the gas gauge to make sure that you have enough diesel in the tank to get your engine started. Fill the gas tank with enough fuel to start the engine.
Replace old fuel after a seasonal change. You can't use winter diesel in the summer and vice versa. Winter diesel can have condensation in it, which causes misfires to the engine.
Siphon out your old diesel to replace it with fresh fuel. Insert one end of a siphon hose to your gas tank. Insert the other end of the hose to an empty container. Pump the siphon hose until all of the gas is out of the tank. Fill the tank with the proper gas.
Jack up the front of the truck and climb underneath the engine. Have a friend turn the ignition in the truck. Listen to the small black box on the right side of the engine. This is the starter. If you hear any clicking from the starter, have a technician replace it.
Look for leaks around the D12. If you notice any leaks, you should have a mechanic take a look at your engine. Mechanics have special devices for diagnostic tests.