The Volvo S70 is a great mid-size luxury car from a Sweden. It comes with many luxury amenities standard, such as power windows. However, European car electronics do have a higher than average failure rate, so to avoid exorbitant import repair costs, you can repair the switch yourself. The switch controls the position of the window by controlling an electrical motor. The switch itself could have damage or the wires leading from the switch could be frayed.
Drive the Volvo S70 to a garage or other covered area, preferably a garage though. You do not want to work on the car's electronics out in the open in case it starts to rain or precipitate. Put the Volvo S70 into "Park" and then engage the parking brake to keep the car from moving while you work on it. Turn the Volvo S70 off and pull the key out of the ignition.
Open the door with the window switch that you want to repair. Open it all the way so you have the most room to work with. Take a thin flathead screwdriver and wedge the tip into the seam around the window switch and the armrest bezel. Pry the switch out gently and pull it out by hand, but do not disconnect the wires yet.
Inspect the switch for any obvious damage. If the switch itself is damaged then unplug the control wires from the switch. Plug the wires plugs into the port on the new switch and place it back in the armrest. If the switch is fine but there is corrosion on the wires, then pull the wires up and out of the port at the bottom of the switch well. Plug the replacement wire into the port at the bottom of the switch well and then into the old switch.
Wedge the switch back into the armrest and then turn the Volvo S70 on. Roll the window up and down to test the window switch. If it does not work then pry the switch out again to make sure the wire plugs are firmly pushed into the port.