The Eagle Talon is a compact sport car also marketed as the Mitsubishi Eclipse and the Plymouth Laser. Chrysler and Mitsubishi manufactured the Talon in a joint venture from 1989 to 1999; the latest version included the 1995 through 1999 model years. A late model Eagle Talon has a four-cylinder 2.0-liter engine with the water pump on the front of the engine. The installation of the water pump in this vehicle also requires you to drain the radiator.
Remove the cable on the negative battery terminal to prevent starting the engine during the procedure. Place the drain pan under the radiator drain, and remove the drain plug. Allow the coolant to drain into the container and store it for later use. Replace the drain plug.
Disconnect the pivot bolt for the alternator brace with a socket wrench and remove the alternator brace from the water pump. Remove the retaining bolts for the rear cover of the timing belt and detach the rear cover from the engine. Disconnect the timing belt.
Remove the mounting bolts for the water pump with a socket wrench. Detach the water pump from the engine. Discard the gaskets and O-rings for the water pump.
Coat a new O-ring with water; mount it onto the water inlet pipe. Place a new gasket on the new water pump; install it to the engine block. Torque the mounting bolts for the water pump to between 8.7 and 11 foot-pounds with a torque wrench.
Install the timing belt and the rear cover for the timing belt with a socket wrench. Connect the alternator brace and tighten the pivot bolt for the alternator brace to 17 foot-pounds.
Fill the radiator with coolant. Reconnect the cable to the negative battery terminal. Start the engine and check for coolant leaks.