The Hyundai Elantra is a compact car made by Hyundai Motor Corporation since 1991. The 2005 model belongs to the third generation, which was in production from 2000 to 2006. The water pump on this vehicle circulates coolant around the engine to prevent it from overheating. The water pump in a 2005 Hyundai Elantra attaches to the front of the engine, and requires the removal of several other components to access.
Place a drain pan under the radiator and remove the radiator cap to speed the draining process. Open the radiator drain plug and allow the coolant to drain out of the radiator. Replace the drain plug and radiator cap.
Disconnect the negative battery cable with a socket wrench to prevent the battery from producing sparks. Remove the accessory drive belts. Disconnect the hose to the radiator and the bypass hose, if your vehicle is so equipped.
Remove the pulley for the water pump with a socket wrench. Disconnect the front cover for the timing belt and the timing belt. Remove the bracket for the alternator.
Remove the mounting bolts for the water pump with a socket wrench and record their location, since the bolts have different lengths. Detach the water pump from the engine block and discard the gaskets.
Install the new water pump and gaskets to the engine block. Tighten the mounting bolts to between 14 and 20 ft. lbs. with a torque wrench.
Connect the alternator bracket with a socket wrench. Install the timing belt and its front cover. Attach the pulley for the water pump and the hoses for the radiator. Connect the accessory drive belts.
Attach the the cable to the negative battery cable with a socket wrench and fill the radiator with coolant. Start the engine and check for coolant leaks.