What Causes Car Tires to Make a Humming Sound?

What Causes Car Tires to Make a Humming Sound?

A variety of things could cause your tires to make noise. It is important to notice at what times, what speeds and under what conditions, the noise is made.


  • The most common cause of a humming sound from ties is uneven tire wear. This is likely if the noise shows up after you have rotated your ties, or have not rotated them in a long time. Try rotating the tires again, if necessary, and according to manufacturer's directions, which should help. Buying new tires is the other alternative.


  • The problem could be more serious than simple tire wear. If the sound never changes, or happens more when you change lanes, the problem could be a wheel bearing. A wheel bearing problem will be constant and more a grinding sound than a rubbing sound. Eventually, a bad wheel bearing could make your tire fall off and cause an accident.


  • A third possibility is the balance of the tires. An out-of-balance tire can develop "cupping," which deforms the tire and can cause it to make a sound. If balancing does not clear it up, you need new tires.