An air conditioner (AC) condenser has similar functions to that of a radiator. A condenser does to refrigerant what a radiator does to coolant. The condenser and radiator even look similar although the condenser is a bit smaller. Having information on an AC condenser's functions can be beneficial to vehicle owners.
The AC compressor changes refrigerant into a pressurized gas form then feeds it into the top of the condenser. The condenser's job is to cool the gas and condense it back into liquid refrigerant form for use throughout the AC system.
AC condensers have another important function as well. Compressors let out debris during the course of their operation. Condensers catch this excess trash coming from the compressor. Because of a condenser's low position within an auto AC system, oil is naturally collected by it as well.
Condensers can get dirty from the trash they collect over time. Replacement is an option even though it's not the cheapest. A tip for this issue would be flushing the condenser which can remove debris from the condenser without the need of having to replace it altogether.