The 2005 Ford Escape is a compact four door SUV that first came out in 2001. It has two fuse panels: the main panel and an additional power distribution box to house high current fuses. The fuses help to run electronic equipment like the lights, radio and power doors and windows.
The main fuse box for the 2005 Ford Escape is on the passenger side of the center console near the instrument panel below the glove compartment. Remove the panel cover so you can access the fuses.
The power distribution box, which holds the high current fuses, is in the engine compartment on the right hand side. The high-current fuses keep the electrical systems from overloading.
To safely replace fuses, make sure your car's engine and power are off. When replacing high current fuses, disconnect the battery before opening the panel to the power distribution box. Use the list of fuse codes in your owner's manual, and the fuse puller tool in the main fuse panel to remove and replace fuses. Always replace the panel to the power distribution box before reconnecting the battery.