The process of cutting and forming stainless steel creates sharp thin burrs on the edges of the metal. Removing the burr from the edges of a stainless steel part will eliminate painful cuts to people handling the material. A properly used file will remove a burr from stainless steel without leaving a jagged edge. Jagged edges form when the file binds against the edge of the stainless steel. This creates a serrated edge that destroys the edge of the metal and creates additional cut hazards when handling the material.
Set the stainless steel product on a work table. Fold a towel in half and place it on top of the stainless steel with the edge of the towel 1 to 2 inches from the burred edge of the stainless steel.
Slide the top leg of a C-clamp over the towel covering the stainless steel and the bottom leg under the worktable edge. Turn the C-clamp handle clockwise to secure the metal to the work table.
Hold one face of a flat file on top of the burred stainless edge. Tilt the file 15 degrees from the stainless steel product's top face.
Slide the file along the burred edge as you push the file slowly away from you. Continue along the burred edge until no visible burr remains. Release the C-clamp from the stainless product. Flip the product over. Replace the towel over the stainless steel. Position and tighten the C-clamp to hold the metal.
Slide the file along the stainless steel while aligned at a 15-degree angle to remove the remaining burr. Hold one face of the flat file perpendicular to the front edge of the stainless steel product. Slide the file along the front edge of the stainless steel to remove the last of the burr from the metal.