Standard refrigerant recovery tanks come equipped with both red and blue valves located at the top of the tank. The colors designate the different forms of refrigerant they recover.
The red valve is a vapor valve used to recover refrigerant in a vapor state. Vapor recovery takes more time than recovery of liquid refrigerant. Care should be taken when recovering refrigerant in vapor state as it is under pressure and combustible.
The blue valve is designated as a liquid valve used to recover liquid refrigerant. Removal of liquid refrigerant is a faster process than removal of vapor refrigerant, but the user may be exposed to additional hazards. Care must be taken in recovering liquid refrigerant as there is potential for frostbite if the refrigerant comes in contact with skin. Eye injury is possible in the event of a refrigerant splash.
Users should be licensed to handle refrigerant. Safety gear such as protective eye wear and protective gloves should be used. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions before attempting to operate any machinery.