A Ford F-150's gear shift is simple to remove. It is also a repair procedure that doesn't require disabling the F-150's airbag system, unlike many of the components located in the dashboard. There are two major reasons why you might consider doing this. If you're revamping and customizing the F-150's interior, the shift lever boot, the lever and the knob likely have aftermarket options to consider. On a more pragmatic level, you will need to remove the gear shifter entirely if you are going to access and work on the manual transmission.
Remove the shift boot's four retaining screws located at each corner of the boot. You will have to lift up the corner to get at the screws.
Pull the boot directly upward to expose a nut and bolt on the lever. You do not need to remove the boot completely from the lever. So you can leave the shift knob alone.
Unscrew the nut with a socket wrench. Then push the threaded side of the bolt through the lever. Grab the bolt by its other side and pull it out of the shift lever.
Remove the lever from the square mounting boot beneath it.