How to Blacken Bumpers

How to Blacken Bumpers

Black bumpers can appear faded after a few years of constant exposure to the elements. Wax and polish can also build up on your bumper, causing it to appear dull and worn out. There are a few simple methods to achieve that fresh from the factory look.

Things You'll Need

  • Black spray paint
  • Heat gun
  • Back-to-black kit
  • Fine sandpaper
  • Rubbing alcohol

Prepare the Bumper

  • Remove the bumper from the car. Your bumper is bolted on and can be removed with a basic Phillips-head screwdriver. While this may seem tedious, it will save you time in the long run and give you more room to work. You will also be able to refinish the entire surface area.

  • Buff your bumper with fine sandpaper. This will remove any excess wax or polish. Rubbing alcohol will also release stubborn wax.

  • Wash the bumper with soap and water. This will eliminate all the grit from the sandpaper as well as clean off excess dirt and debris. You should already see a difference in the condition of your bumper.

Blacken the Bumper

  • Use a heat gun. Start by heating the bumper from a good distance away and gradually coming closer until you start to see a difference. The plastic will melt and you will have a smooth finish. Heat guns are available for around $20 at a home improvement store like Lowe's, Home Depot or Ace Hardware.

  • Use a back-to-black kit as an alternative to using a heat gun. You can find these for under $10 at auto part stores. These can fade over time and are only a temporary solution.

  • Use a coat of black spray paint with a satin finish if you are only painting black plastic strips on your bumper. Do not use this on a fully black non-plastic bumper.