The national average for replacing an alternator at a professional automotive service center is $402 to $642, at the time of publication. This cost is for parts, labor and diagnosis if applicable. The average do-it-yourself alternator repair cost is $280 to $487, based on the average cost of the alternator minus any labor charges and diagnostic fees.
However, the only way to know the actual cost for a specific vehicle is to call several local automotive repair shops and ask how much they will charge for this repair. The actual cost may be much lower or it may even be higher than this depending upon the alternator's cost and how much time it takes to replace it.
Here is how a professional automotive repair shop will calculate your estimate:
This is usually done by calling a local parts store or by using the parts department at an automotive dealership.
Automotive jobs are priced according to how long a labor-time guide says the job should take a technician to perform the specific repair. If the book calls for 1.5 hours and the shop's labor rate is $100 per hour, then you would be charged $150 for labor.
Many shops will charge a standard rate for testing the electrical system -- the battery, charging system and starting system -- on a vehicle to ensure that the alternator is the problem. The national average for this testing is $88 to $111, at the time of publication.