You can remove the airbags from your Chevy S-10 right from your garage. Although most people consider airbags to be an essential safety feature, some people prefer to have them removed to prevent freak accidents caused by the airbag deployment. Disengaging the airbags is a fairly easy procedure, but make sure you follow the steps properly to prevent injury.
Pop up the hood of the S-10 and remove the battery cables from the battery terminal, using the socket wrench set. Wait 30 minutes for the residual charge to drain.
Consult your vehicle owner's manual to find the fuse location for the airbags. Once found, open the fuse panel cover, which is located on the driver's side dashboard. Use the fuse puller to remove the appropriate fuses.
Look on the back of the steering wheel and find two screws that hold the airbag in place. Remove the screws with a screwdriver. Make sure to keep your face and body away from airbag as you do this.
Remove the airbag carefully from the middle of the steering wheel and cut the wires with wire cutters.
Store the airbag in a safe location away from kids and pets.
Open the glove box and remove the straps that hold it open. Unscrew the glove box and pull it out of the dashboard. Carefully unbolt the airbag with the socket wrench. Unhook the power cable on the back of the airbag. Keep your body away from the airbag. Remove the airbag from the compartment.
Put the glove box back, screw it in and reattach the straps. Close the glove box.
Put the airbag fuses back in the fuse panel and close the fuse panel cover. Reconnect the battery cables.