Nissan Extended Service, also known as Nissan Extended Warranty, is an extended warranty you can buy for your vehicle after your manufacturer's warranty expires. It protects you when you need to repair your vehicle. When you need repairs, you pay the deductible (which depends on your plan) and any parts not covered by your plan, then Nissan pays the remaining amount directly to the repair facility. If you wish to cancel your Nissan Extended Service and are reimbursed for it, you can do so at your local Nissan dealership.
Go to your local Nissan dealership.
Get a Cancellation Request form from the dealership.
Fill out the form, sign it and have your Nissan dealer sign it. Include the date and mileage on your car.
Mail the form to Nissan Extended Services North America, P.O. Box 685004, Franklin, TN, 37068-5004. Wait four to six weeks for the form to be processed; the refund will be sent to the address you provide on the form.